Auspicious date for Moving in new house


Hi master, I read from another website that says that we should avoid the 3th, 6th day of the lunar month/calendar for big days like moving house, etc. Is this true? Because I saw that you have these dates under auspicious dates.

15 Answer(s)

I never heard this. Does the site explain whay?

I think you should follow this page to select an auspicious date for moving into the new house.
Hi master,
thanks for your reply. The website states that the reason was that 3rd, 6th and 7th of lunar months are days where San Niang Affliction. Is this true?

I got it. “San Niang” Killing days (San Niang Shar) are the days that people had better avoid for wedding. They are the 3rd, 7th, 13th, 18th, 22nd and 27th day of every lunar month.

It's not related to moving into the new house.
Hi master, ok noted.
By the way, it is auspicious to enter the house on 1st September to clean up, and then officially move in and stay in the new place on 3rd September?
Yes, 3rd September is an auspicious date for you to move in. But make sure you are not under the Horse sign.
Thank you Master.
May I know if there is any auspicious time to move in and enter the house?
Following are the auspicious time for you to move in on the day:
Dear master, are these timings for the move-in date (meaning 1st night sleeping at the new house) or timing for first opening of the door for painting, repairing of the house?

1) Is there an auspicious time for the very first opening of the door for painting/repairing?
2) I will be moving most things (bed, washing machine, fridge) on the day where I will spend my first night in the new place. Is there an auspicious time when I should move most of my things over?
Hi Bee,

Auspicious timings on 1st September include:

Auspicious timings on 3rd September include:

Thanks Master.
Hi master we have tentative dates to move into our new house on sept 8 or 10 2016. I hope you can help us decide. My birthyear was snake and my wife was dog
Hi Dodong,

You'd better choose Sept 10, 2016. Sept 8 is an inauspicious date for moving.
Hi Master,
We are planning to move into a house (not completely new house but previously occupied) on Sept 25th or 26th. Could you please help me with better timing to enter on those dates. Its in the USA.
Thank you
hi master,we planned to move in to our new house on 14 sept 2016. but i checked from a website saying that it is a 黑道 the to be a criteria of our house moving day selectio ?
Hi siewmin,

黑道 days means inauspicious days.

14 sept 2016 is an auspicious date for moving into the new house. But the date clashes with the Snake. If you are born in the snake year, you should avoid the date.

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