Auspicious Days

Need help to find lucky dates for wedding, moving, travel, grand opening, break ground, sign contract, build house, haircut…Ask here.

Funeral Date and Zodiac Signs

1 Reply Asked by E***m | 11/10/2021 2:40:24 AM

Hi I am looking for an auspicious day for my uncle and it looks like November 14th and 15th are...

Moving days

0 Reply Asked by L***H | 11/3/2021 1:57:43 PM

Hi, I’m planning to move in November and December. What are auspicious dates to move? My Chines...

Shifting/Moving dates and Stay into dates

0 Reply Asked by c***e | 11/1/2021 6:57:32 AM

Hi, i will be shifting my main furniture on 1 of the day in Dec and intend to officially stay ...

Shifting in and Moving in dates

0 Reply Asked by c***e | 10/30/2021 8:39:50 PM

Hi can i check if i have a difference dates for both shifting in and moving in dates. Do i need...

Moving into old renovated house

0 Reply Asked by M***m | 10/19/2021 2:54:52 AM

Hi, Good day, i would like to move back to my old house which just finish renovated. May I know...

Auspicious Moving Days

1 Reply Asked by N***o | 10/18/2021 11:33:17 AM

Hello, What is the column Evil Direction and does it impact selecting an auspicious moving day...

Auspicious Date for Wedding and Guo Da Li

0 Reply Asked by S***y | 10/13/2021 5:43:12 AM

Hi, would like to know there is any auspicious date for our Guo Da Li in March 2022 and if base...

What is the auspicious date for me to take an examination on December 2021?

0 Reply Asked by L***! | 10/7/2021 1:20:11 AM

I am born on January 15, 1997, and I will be taking an examination this December 2021. What wil...


0 Reply Asked by L***l | 10/5/2021 1:40:28 PM

What is the lucky dates on November and December 2021 for me to take my exam? My DOB is Decembe...


0 Reply Asked by L***l | 10/5/2021 1:36:28 PM

What is the best date to take my examination this coming November and December?

We are planning to have second child and would like to know based on our signs w

1 Reply Asked by C***r | 9/28/2021 2:22:47 PM

We are planning to have second child and would like to know based on our signs when it would be...

Auspicious Time - What time zone?

1 Reply Asked by Y***h | 9/21/2021 9:09:14 AM

I see that November 8, 2021 is an auspicious day for child birth. What time zones (e.g., centr...

Pray and Tea Ceremony

1 Reply Asked by L***g | 9/19/2021 12:54:53 AM

Hi is November 27, 2021 is a good day for pray and tea ceremony?

Lucky Wedding Day for 2022

1 Reply Asked by L***g | 9/19/2021 12:51:02 AM

Hi if you are a male tiger and fall on the tiger year of 2022 and your opposite zodiac is a f...

Wedding date

2 Replies Asked by m***a | 9/14/2021 11:34:50 PM

Hi, me & my boyfriend zodiac are dog. Is february gregorian calendar (January Lunar) fits u...

Is it ok for wedding engagement to be on 2 May 2022?

2 Replies Asked by C***e | 9/14/2021 8:52:57 AM

Hi, my PIL decide to conduct our Chinese Guo Da Li ceremony on 2 May 2022. Is it ok even if the...

Pray for good luck & Wedding day

1 Reply Asked by L***g | 9/12/2021 8:31:11 PM

If bride to be zodiac is monkey and groom to be zodiac is tiger and the groom’s mom zodiac is s...

Good day for exam

1 Reply Asked by S***o | 9/2/2021 3:35:52 AM

Hello, can i ask what is a good dates to take exam between Sep to October. My dob is 19 jul 197...

Best day to commence a new job

1 Reply Asked by C***y | 8/30/2021 6:15:42 PM

Hi, I am born on 26 April 1976 (Dragon). Could you please tell me what is the most auspicious/b...

Ancestral altar installation

0 Reply Asked by J*** | 8/29/2021 1:06:24 AM

When is the good date and time to install an altar for the dead on the month of September?

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