Songs on Weighing Bones: 6 Liang 8 Qian

Bone Weight Astrology for Male

Bone Weight:6 Liang 8 Qian (340g)
Fate:A life blessed by God
Score:84 (full mark:95)
Longevity:Above 85 years old
Wealth Fortune:Vey good
Proper Time to Get Married:24-26 years old
Fortune Explanation According to "Songs on Weighing Bones" by Yuan Tian-gang:

Your fortune all the life can be summarized as: life and death are decreed whilst wealth and rank are matters of destiny. That is to say, don't be too demanding for your life, career or love, as everything in the world has its own rules; otherwise things will develop in a bad way. In addition, your good ancestral property will be further stabilized and you will yield higher position and greater wealth if you can take advantage of your strengths.

Bone Weight Astrology for Female

Bone Weight:6 Liang 8 Qian (340g)
Fate:A life of good until late age
Score:73 (full mark:95)
Longevity:Above 79 years old
Wealth Fortune:Not good
Proper Time to Get Married:25-30 years old
Fortune Explanation According to "Songs on Weighing Bones" by Yuan Tian-gang:

You, both beautiful and talented, act like a young lady of a big and noble family yet tend to rush about alone in early years and lack of opportunity and luck in career. What’s more, you will run into some problems which cannot be fixed in a short period of time. If this is the situation for you, do not insist on but retreat for the sake of advancing, and then there will be a favorable turn. In later years, a good fortune will befall you. In addition, you should pay special attention to your physical condition in middle age and you are suggested to take more exercise and take good care of yourself when you are young. Late marriage is advisable for you.