Songs on Weighing Bones: 6 Liang 7 Qian

Bone Weight Astrology for Male

Bone Weight:6 Liang 7 Qian (335g)
Fate:A life of wealth and reputation
Score:86 (full mark:95)
Longevity:About 85 years old
Wealth Fortune:Have rich ancestral property and enjoy good luck in wealth.
Proper Time to Get Married:24-26 years old
Fortune Explanation According to "Songs on Weighing Bones" by Yuan Tian-gang:

Very blessed since birth, you will have both wealth and fame and live a comfortable life. Men of this weight are suggested to give full play to their advantages, so as to be a big shot in any industry.

Bone Weight Astrology for Female

Bone Weight:6 Liang 7 Qian (335g)
Fate:A life of good until late age
Score:64 (full mark:95)
Longevity:About 80 years old
Wealth Fortune:Not so good
Proper Time to Get Married:25-28 years old
Fortune Explanation According to "Songs on Weighing Bones" by Yuan Tian-gang:

You are virtuous, kind, frank, simple and honest yet often encounter obstacles whatever you do; even if you complete the task successfully, you will feel it is just not what you want. Not only will you be frustrated at work, but also you will fail again and again in love relationship. It seems that your life will always be at low ebb but life is actually in your own hands - everything will go better as long as you keep fighting.