Songs on Weighing Bones: 5 Liang 8 Qian

Bone Weight Astrology for Male

Bone Weight:5 Liang 8 Qian (290g)
Fate:A life of good career
Score:76 (full mark:95)
Longevity:About 83 years old
Wealth Fortune:Very good
Proper Time to Get Married:28-32 years old
Fortune Explanation According to "Songs on Weighing Bones" by Yuan Tian-gang:

Pretty blessed all the life, you will strike it rich, gain both fame and wealth, achieve academic excellence and make a successful career. However, you need to let nature take its course and get help from others to lead such a blessed life.

You are honest, sincere, open and aboveboard, and start well and end well. Making a living alone in youth, you are lucky in career but can spend quickly as you earn. In middle age, you will settle down and develop in a good way. You can be misunderstood easily by the overly straightforward way in dealing with people and things. So, try to avoid conflict with others at work and be more cautious in words and deeds. Of course, it is better not to have any connection of interests with the dearest.

Bone Weight Astrology for Female

Bone Weight:5 Liang 8 Qian (290g)
Fate:A life of toil and born to run
Score:75 (full mark:95)
Longevity:About 65 years old
Wealth Fortune:Good in direct wealth fortune from work
Proper Time to Get Married:24-28 years old
Fortune Explanation According to "Songs on Weighing Bones" by Yuan Tian-gang:

You are frank, outspoken, good-natured and well-behaved. In youth, you will lack a bit of luck and be as busy as a bee but get limited return. In middle age, however, things will go better. As the saying goes, you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. Everything is predestined. Just relax and let nature take its course. You are suggested to travel more and gain more experience first, and then happiness will come to you naturally.