Songs on Weighing Bones: 5 Liang 1 Qian

Bone Weight Astrology for Male

Bone Weight:5 Liang 1 Qian (255g)
Fate:A life of thrift
Score:82 (full mark:95)
Longevity:About 80 years old
Wealth Fortune:Very good
Proper Time to Get Married:30-38 years old
Fortune Explanation According to "Songs on Weighing Bones" by Yuan Tian-gang:

Not only are you very capable and tactful in the modes of behaving, but also you are neither arrogant nor impetuous, and can treat everything in a rational and careful manner. In addition, you are very loyal to friends and treat them like family in a caring and generous way. Men at this weight would further stabilize the career and become even wealthier after getting married.

Bone Weight Astrology for Female

Bone Weight:5 Liang 1 Qian (255g)
Fate:A life blessed with good luck
Score:85 (full mark:95)
Longevity:About 80 years old
Wealth Fortune:Good
Proper Time to Get Married:25-30 years old
Fortune Explanation According to "Songs on Weighing Bones" by Yuan Tian-gang:

With good fortune all your life, you can get great opportunities and if you seize the opportunities, you will rapidly go up in the world.

You are straightforward, careless, filial to parents and sincere to friends. Active and outgoing, you prefer making friends above all others. When you are away from home, you can take wing and have good luck. In terms of marriage, you are suggested to get married late and consider it unless you are mature enough and your career goes stable. Only in this way can you lead a more stable and happier marriage life.