Songs on Weighing Bones: 3 Liang 8 Qian

Bone Weight Astrology for Male

Bone Weight:3 Liang 8 Qian (190g)
Fate:A life of good career and wealth
Score:78 (full mark:95)
Longevity:About 75 years old
Wealth Fortune:Good
Proper Time to Get Married:32-42 years old
Fortune Explanation According to "Songs on Weighing Bones" by Yuan Tian-gang:

You are upright, outspoken and open, and have to start bare-handed since there is no ancestral property to rely on. In later life, your fortune will be mixed. For the entire life, your fortune will be better and better. In youth, you will achieve academic excellence and after going to work, you will be appreciated by the leadership and admired by everyone, and make a fortune. In middle age, you will get even better luck for wealth and scale new heights in career.

Bone Weight Astrology for Female

Bone Weight:3 Liang 8 Qian (190g)
Fate:A life of good marriage and career
Score:84 (full mark:95)
Longevity:About 57 or 68 years old
Wealth Fortune:Good
Proper Time to Get Married:24-28 years old
Fortune Explanation According to "Songs on Weighing Bones" by Yuan Tian-gang:

This bone weight is an auspicious sign and it is especially good for women, which means you will take wing both in career and love.
Same with other women of this bone weight, you are unyielding and never give up in the face of difficulties. Also, you are self-motivated and ambitious. Although there are many difficulties when you are young, you can face the difficulties on your own in a neither conceited nor rash way. Therefore, you can set the Thames on fire with your efforts and get a good marriage.