Tiger in a Lucid dream


I was at this industrial shipyard (i have one in my hometown close to where i live but i didnt recognise it in my dream)
and i was tying my shoes or something, and then i felt like "what if a tiger came across that corner, what would i do",but i was dreaming and i dont use to "think" while dreaming, stuff just happens but i did that time and then right on the corner i looked at i saw him running after a smaller animal and at that moment it struck me that i was dreaming, and i felt goosebumps all over my body( really i knew and felt i was laying at my bed) and then the tiger comes again but this time he atacks me and i try to fly but i only jumped reaaaally high i got a birdsview of the tiger the building we were next to, then he started running to the place i was falling to and i knew he was going to get me and i would wake up, didnt felt scared at all, he did jump on me and i woke up. this is one of the weirder dreams i have ever had

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