virgo ox with sagittarius sheep husband


I'm a virgo wood ox (9/4/1985) and had libra wood monkey son (10/10/2004) before I married an earth sheep husband (12/12/1979)last December 31, 2013 and we had an aquarius wood horse son (2/15/14).

My husband and I are not compatible as a matter of fact we always have arguments and cannot be near each other without having any clash even before we got married but then we still stick together although the heartache and sadness is slowly killing optimistic side of me.

My horse son is also not compatible with me and he loves his father more than me and odd as it may seems I have the urge to hate him back but then motherly love always wins.

I want a complete and happy family but if we cannot improve our current relationship we might end up breaking apart. What should I do? Please help.

1 Answer(s)

In Chinese Zodiac, the Ox and Sheep are in one of the Six Offending (Conflicting) Groups. In Chinese culture, the two in the same offending group had better avoid getting married. Or there may many quarrels or unhappiness happening after marriage.

There are cures for this: You should not place your bed in northeast-southwest direction but live in the south or west room and head to south or west in sleeping. Also, you may place a horse or rooster decoration in your bedroom or give birth to a child in the year of rat or horse to solve the problem.

Ox and Monkey is OK. You'd better try to give more care to your son and let him know your love to him. He may be a good moderator for the relationship of your husband and you in the future.

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