Is Baby monkey good for us? If yes what month in 2016?


Wife - ox (Virgo), husband - pig (Capricorn), son - sneak (Sagittarius)

3 Answer(s)

To add a little more detail to my previous post. We would really like to have a second child soon, as our son is turning 2 in two month. Was wondering if Monkey is good for us. And may be you can advise on the most favourable months.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Alia,

The Chinese zodiac compatibility chart shows the Monkey is not compatible with the Tiger, Snake and Pig.

I think you can first see if the chart is right for you three now. It shows you under the Ox sign can be compatible with the Pig and Snake. But the Pig and Snake couldn't get along well with each other.

If you think the chart is right to you. You are suggested to avoid having a Monkey baby. 2017 which will be the year of Rooster is good for you to get a baby as the Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Pig and Snake.

Thank you!!

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