In my dream a loved one stabbed me with a knife


I dreamt that it was our wedding day and I think it was in our reception that we both suddenly pulled blades against each other. It was from a tiny blade, small knife, dagger, and etc until we reached a very sharp knife. I hesitated in throwing that sharp knife and dropped it but, he stabbed me in the chest. I woke up crying and shaken because of it. Thank you for helping me! <3

1 Answer(s)

The most common interpretation for this dream is betrayal and deceit, as well as feeling wounded and hurt by someone's words and behavior. The act of stabbing is a metaphor that symbolises betrayal. Betrayal causes more pain and leaves an indelible mark on our heart. Hence, it is often compared to the act of stabbing. Dreaming about being stabbed by your lover could also mean that you fear getting cheated by him.

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