How does element compatibility go for dating does it effect your love life?


I am an earth rabbit and my boyfriend is a wood pig I feel like we get on each others nerves and rub each other the wrong way some times not sure if this has anything to do with it. It says a lot about the generating cycle but not about the destructive and how it effects your dating relationships I just want to make sure we are still as compatible as all the websites tell me we are. I know wood dominates earth and is a part of the destructive and controlling relationship I am curious If this effects us in a love match.

3 Answer(s)

Hi MarySari,

Tiger and Monkey Offend each other. You'd better choose to give birth to a child born in the year of pig to solve the offending problem.
Kendy, thanks for information.
Kendy, Sorry for sounding rude here but... what kind of an answer is that? Tiger and Monkey? She said Pig and Rabbit.

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