Auspicious Wedding Dates for 2017


What are some auspicious wedding dates in 2017, for Female - born Nov. 1988 (Dragon) & Male - born June 1983 (Boar)?

1 Answer(s)

Hi W. Wong,

There are two most auspicious months for wedding for each person. If you could choose auspicious wedding dates during the two months, that's much better. According to your zodiac sign, your best wedding months are Chinese lunar February and March. In Gregorian calendar, it's from February 26 to April 25 in 2017.

Auspicious wedding dates for you during the above period are:
February: 27th (Clash Rabbit)
March: 2nd (Clash Horse), 5th Sun. (Clash Rooster), 8th (Clash Rat), 9th (Clash Ox), 10th (Clash Tiger), 15th (Clash Sheep), 20th (Clash Rat), 21st (Clash Ox), 26th Sun. (Clash Horse), 29th (Clash Rooster)
April: 1st Sat. (Clash Rat), 2nd Sun. (Clash Ox), 9th Sun. (Clash Monkey), 12th (Clash Pig), 13th (Clash Rat), 21st (Clash Monkey), 25th (Clash Rat)

You can choose any of the date above. If you want dates in other months, you can check here:

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