What auspicious wedding date?


Bride birthday : june 12, 1984 at 1:30 pm
Groom birthday : june 28, 1985 at 2:50 am. What are our auspicious wedding dates for the year 2016 and 2017? Thanks

4 Answer(s)


The zodiac sign for the bride is Rat and for groom is Ox.

According to Chinese almanac calendar, each month has many auspicious dates for wedding. Too many to list here. You are suggest to check by yourself at this two page:

For 2016:

For 2017:

Select the Wedding link just above the calendar. You will get the auspicious wedding dates with the red. Please note when you move your mouse over the highlighted date, you can see there is an item shows[Clash XXX] in red. You should avoid those clash Rat and Ox. For example, Jan.13, 2016 is an auspicious wedding date, but it shows clash Rat, so it's not good for you.
Ok thanks!

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