Auspicious wedding date


Asking for advice when is it more auspicious to set wedding date in September 2018.I'm planning it either on 18,22 or 23. Thanks.

1 Answer(s)

In 2018, following are auspicious wedding dates in September:

1st Sat. (Clash Tiger), 5th (Clash Horse), 9th Sun. (Clash Dog), 10th (Clash Pig), 15th Sat. (Clash Dragon), 18th (Clash Sheep), 22nd Sat. (Clash Pig), 23rd (Clash Rat), 25th (Clash Tiger), 30th Sun. (Clash Sheep)

Clash XX, means the people under the zodiac sign should avoid getting married on the day. You should find out your zodaic sign first on our page

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