Love matched what is the future hold if get marry.


Hi my DO 2/10/88 and my girl 1/21/88, can we get along well, what year ,and what month is best for both of us to get marry, and what year should have kids. Thank you.

1 Answer(s)

Hi Kimkim,

You two are both under the sign of Rabbit. Your combination get a score of 7 out of 10.

It's easy for you to live a quiet and peaceful life together, but it's hard for you to go further. You have much in common and enviable understanding in between, but you are too realistic and rational to make moderate concession and extra efforts to accommodate each other. Rabbits are usually selfish, so you may easily pull away from each other when meeting difficulties.

You are fit to get married in the Horse (2026), Pig (2019) or Sheep (2027) year. The auspicious married months for you are Chinese lunar November and October.

You kids had better be born in the year of Sheep (2027), Dog (2018) or Pig(2019).

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