Dreaming of stairs and sea


I was dreamed of a sea.i thought it was deep but when i go there it is calm and as i go ashore it was cleared water.i also dreamed of going upstairs.

4 Answer(s)

Hi Marie C. Babista,

In most cases, dream about sea means there will be good news to you recently or there will be a new born baby in your big family. You will have more responsibilities.

The calm sea means you are calm in mind, have no worries and everthing goes smoothly. The clear water indicates you could pass over the difficulties if you meet some difficulties recently.
Thanks a lot. How about the stairs that im going up?
Hi Marie C. Babista,

Dreaming of going upstairs means promoting to a higher position successively.

You may get promoted in work, praised by your boss or get an increase in pay. In all, your work will go smoothly in recent time.
I dreamt that, one young man attack me to fight, and he firmly hold my leg, I raised my leg and hit on ground in other to hurt man, I did it twice, on the third the man fell down, and immediately turned into lizard and started running away from me, I started running after the lizard to attack and kill it, but the lizard over run me, and the dream ended.

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