Chinese lunar January and June are the most auspicious months for you to get married. In 2018, in Gregorian calendar, it's from February 16, 2018 to March 16, 2018, and July 13, 2018 to August 10, 2018.
Auspicious dates for wedding during these periods include: February: 19th (Clash Rat), 20th (Clash Ox), 22nd (Clash Rabbit), 25th Sun. (Clash Horse), 28th (Clash Rooster)
Groom: Dragon
Bride: Horse
Chinese lunar January and June are the most auspicious months for you to get married. In 2018, in Gregorian calendar, it's from February 16, 2018 to March 16, 2018, and July 13, 2018 to August 10, 2018.
Auspicious dates for wedding during these periods include:
February: 19th (Clash Rat), 20th (Clash Ox), 22nd (Clash Rabbit), 25th Sun. (Clash Horse), 28th (Clash Rooster)
March: 4th Sun. (Clash Ox), 5th (Clash Tiger), 10th Sat. (Clash Sheep), 15th (Clash Rat), 16th (Clash Ox)
July: 3rd (Clash Tiger), 4th (Clash Rabbit), 5th (Clash Dragon), 9th (Clash Monkey), 10th (Clash Rooster), 11th (Clash Dog), 12th (Clash Pig)
August: 2nd (Clash Monkey), 3rd (Clash Rooster), 5th Sun. (Clash Pig), 8th (Clash Tiger), 10th (Clash Dragon)
You can choose any of the dates that doesn't clash your signs. If you want more dates in other months, you can check here: