Choosing auspicious date for C section.
Asked by K*** |
Auspicious C section date for baby girl who is expected to due on 14/2/2020. Doctor gave me me period of safe dates: 28/1/2020 until 14/2/2020.
Mother’s DOB: 19/6/1974. Birth hour - 10.35am
Father’s DOB: 22/8/1971. Birth hour - 7.33am
Sibling’s (sister) DOB: 29/1/2019. Birth - 9.07am
Mother’s DOB: 19/6/1974. Birth hour - 10.35am
Father’s DOB: 22/8/1971. Birth hour - 7.33am
Sibling’s (sister) DOB: 29/1/2019. Birth - 9.07am
Following are auspicious dates for you to do C section to you.
Feb.04, 2020 Tuesday
Feb.07, 2020 Friday
Feb.09, 2020 Sunday
Feb.14, 2020 Friday