C-section delivery


My date of birth is 22nd Oct 1975(rabbit) and my husband's date of birth is 25th April 1972 (rat). My due date is 3rd January 2018. However I require C-Section which will need to be done anytime 2 weeks before my due date. Can you suggest a auspicious date and time for my C-section in Dec 2017 (from 15th December to 31st December 2017)

May You Interest

1 Answer(s)

Hi Vivian,

Dec. 19th and 20th are the two auspicious dates for you to do C-section.

The most auspicious time on Dec. 19th is 21:00-23:00.

The most auspicious time on Dec. 20th include 13:00-15:00 and 19:00-22:00.

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