Can we make up after silly misunderstanding?.....the Tiger started it!!


He brought up an argument from the previous day so I left theirs knowing we would argue about it again and I didnt want to argue on his Birthday...but leaving didnt go down well?! (like his gift)!!? lol! I know Monkeys and Tigers are meant to be foe but we got on great until recently...and now weve all fallen out?? A Quick insight; We became Amazing friends nearly three years ago; Him (1986 Tiger) his girlfriend (1985 Ox), my Partner (1978 Horse) and me (1980 Monkey) felt awesome to FINALLY meet such Great Friends. We looked into loads....horoscopes, Chinese Zodiacs/beliefs and got onto Soul mates/Twin flames, spirituality, etc and feel like we all contributed towards the start of each others zingy, spiritual awakening....Awesome!!...Anyway....regarding the zodiacs....we were all blown away that all four of us are opposites....everything from the Zodiac Animal, Season, Planets, the 'Four Guardians of the Four Compass Directions', God/Goddess', finger on the hand, Yin/Yang 'stage in the life cycle' (infant, young man, etc....), the two males are more emotional then us two girls too (feminine/masculine crossover)?? Freaky Friday stuff...! Should I forget what was said and get back in contact? Can we be Friends again? Or are we too different? I can feel hes been hurting (weird I know)! but with him being a Tiger AND A VIRGO he might find it difficult to message or call first!? What do you think? Will we now keep falling out? Ahhhh!!(My better half is a Virgo too but theyre a few weeks apart) Help!!

4 Answer(s)

Hi Bear,

What did you argue about?
I made him a fun quiz book for his birthday.....I thought it was really thoughtful and personal (and it took me hours one weekend)!? but he found it like I was trying to trick him with the questions and that it was beneath him and his intelligence....!!
You could become friends again as you have the same interests. But it needs your effort. If you think he is a nice friend for you, better call him first to explain your thought to him and show your sincerity. Also, let the two girls help to restore your relation.
Thank you for your message back. Yes he was a great friend and we miss them both so, yes, will probably bite the bullet and call him soon. Maybe this weekends lunar eclipse is a perfectly timed icebreaker! Thank you x

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