Can We Live Together


Can emmanuel 1990 live in a marriage with blessing 1999

5 Answer(s)

Could you offer the exact date of birth of the two?
Emmanuel,04/03/1990 and Blessing,09/05/1999
You are a combination of Horse and Rabbit. In Chinese zodiac, these two signs are not compatible. You are a pair with distinctive personalities and different attitude towards life. The male horse has strong curiosity and likes to behave in his own way and to pursue his favorite objectives at his ease. He pays little attention to caring about the rabbit and often gets angry without any reason or cause. The female rabbit is tender, fragile, cautious and dependent. She hopes that the horse could devote more energy to the family, and she can't stand her husband's unstability for long.

But in terms of birth elements, you are compatible to be together. The Rabbit could be a great helper to you in life.
Can emmanuel 04/03/1990 AND blessing 09/05/1999 have money in future when they are marriage

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