Best Days for winning legal action


I have 2 legal actions involving a former employer. One is for a work injury. One is for discrimination.
What are the best days will be best for legal action and will I be successful. My date of birth is 11/21/1957 @ 2:35pm

2 Answer(s)

Based on Chinese almanac calendar, the following days are auspicious dates for taking legal actions in May, June, and August. I'm not sure which month will you take the action.
May 10, 22
June 3, 14 ,17, 29
August 8, 11, 20, 23

In fact, whether you could win the legal action is decided by many factors except an auspicious day to you. If you have a good lawyer and strong evidence, you are sure to win. Good luck!
There is no best dates for you that can guarantee you will win legal actions.
According to our Chinese astrology calendar, you should avoid the following dates as these are very inauspicious days to take legal actions.

The 17th day in May
The 6th and 26th day in June
The 16th and 26th day in July
The 15th and 25th day in August
The 4th and 14th day in September
The 4th, 14th and 24th day in October
The 23rd day in November
no inauspicious days in December

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