Auspicious vs. Inauspicious hours



I would like to know on your calendar it says insauspicious hours and auspicious hours. Does this mean the inauspicious hours are good for the insauspicious activities or does it mean that they are not good to be doing anything?

Also when is a good time to take legal action this week.

3 Answer(s)

It means the hour is not good to do anything.

There is no auspicious date for taking legal action this week. If you need to know better days. You can choose Nov. 27. 28 or 29.

By the way, are you under the Tiger sign? If you are, the three days are ok.
I am a Dragon and my partner is a horse so we will both be taking the action... any suggestion? Are any days this week reasonable? Also what are the best days to show homes for sale? I am in realestate.
Hi Sega,

You can choose one of the following dates to take the legal action: Nov. 27, Nov.28,or Nov 29

For best days to show home for sale, only today (Nov. 23) is auspicious in rest days of November. In December, you can choose one of the following dates:
Dec. 4, 15, 16 and 27

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