Auspicous wedding dates


I am a Goat [6th Jan '92] my fiancee is a Golden Monkey [6th Sept '92].

I have learnt that 2020 has a Double Spring and April 2020 is Leap Month.

What would an auspicious day in April [lunar calendar] be for our wedding?


2 Answer(s)

Sorry made a mistake. I was asking for my daughter the future bride. Her fiance was born 6th Jan '93 not '92 so he is a also a Golden Monkey.
Yes, April 2020 is Leap Month. Chinese lunar April in 2020 is from April 23, 2020 to June 20, 2020 in Gregorian calendar. Auspicious wedding dates for golden money during this period are:

Apr.24 Friday
Apr.30 Thursday
May.03 Sunday
May.07 Thursday
May.12 Tuesday
May.15 Friday
May.17 Sunday
May.18 Monday
May.19 Tuesday
May.21 Thursday
May.25 Monday
May.27 Wednesday
May.30 Saturday
Jun.02 Tuesday
Jun.07 Sunday
Jun.09 Tuesday
Jun.10 Wednesday
Jun.11 Thursday
Jun.15 Monday
Jun.18 Thursday

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