auspicious wedding date


i was born with rooster zodiac sign (30th may 1993)
my soon to be husband : horse zodiac sign (23rd january 1991).
we're gonna get married soon.
would you mind if you help us to find any auspicious wedding date between december 2017 - march 2018 (possibly in saturday / sunday).
Also, which one is ok for for us to get married ?
is it in year of the "dog"(year 2018) or year of the "Rooster" (year 2017) ? thank you before :)

1 Answer(s)

Hi mingjia,

You should avoid Year of Horse and your fiance should avoid Year of the Ox to get married. So, No matter Rooster or Dog year, it's both ok for you.

Auspicious months for you to get married are lunar October (Nov. 18- Dec. 17, 2017 in Gregorian Calendar) and November (Dec. 17, 2017 - Jan. 16, 2018). And for him are lunar January (Jan. 28 - Feb. 25) and June (July 23 - August 21, 2017).

Auspicious wedding date for you from Nov. 18, 2017 to Jan. 16, 2018 include:
Novemer 2017: 25th (Saturday), 27th
December 2017: 1st, 8th, 11th, 19th, 20th, 28th
January 2018: 1st, 10th, 13th

If you need more dates in other months, you could check here:

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