Chinese October and November are the most auspicous months for you to get married. It's also okay for you to get married in August. Better choose auspicous wedding date before August 21. It will be more auspicous to you.
August 2nd (Clash Monkey), 3rd (Clash Rooster), 5th Sun. (Clash Pig), 10th (Clash Dragon), 12th Sun. (Clash Horse), 16th (Clash Dog), 17th (Clash Pig), 18th Sat. (Clash Rat), 19th Sun. (Clash Ox) are auspicous dates for you to choose.
Chinese October and November are the most auspicous months for you to get married. It's also okay for you to get married in August. Better choose auspicous wedding date before August 21. It will be more auspicous to you.
August 2nd (Clash Monkey), 3rd (Clash Rooster), 5th Sun. (Clash Pig), 10th (Clash Dragon), 12th Sun. (Clash Horse), 16th (Clash Dog), 17th (Clash Pig), 18th Sat. (Clash Rat), 19th Sun. (Clash Ox) are auspicous dates for you to choose.