auspicious date, day and time for moving into a new house


what is the auspicious date to move into a new house in january 2018? i was born june 23, 1979, my husband may 22, 1983, our daughter in october 18, 2012 and our son in december 6, 2014.

1 Answer(s)

Hi carren,

Your Chinese zodiac signs are:
You: Sheep
Husband: Pig
Daughter: Dragon
Son: Horse

In January 2018, auspicious dates for moving include the 1st (Clash Pig), 3rd (Clash Ox), 4th (Clash Tiger), 10th (Clash Monkey), 13th (Clash Pig), 22nd (Clash Monkey), 26th (Clash Rat) days.

So, it's good for you to move into the new house on January 3rd, 4th, 10th, 22nd or 26th.

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