want to knw abt my marriage it's love or arrange?


My marriage fixed by my parents...but I love someone else....plzz suggest me....m not ready for this marriage...
My dob 17 July 1991
My lover dob 9 Jan 1991

3 Answer(s)

Your lover is Horse and you are Goat (Sheep) in Chinese Zodiac. You are the best match.

Destiny will be grasped with your own hands. If you love each other, just try your effort.
Bt my parents fixed my marriage in November.. They are not agree wd me...what should I do now.....m don't want to marry someone else....plz help me..
my DOB is 07-1-1994 female,

my lover DOB is 08-2-1991 male.

will mine be a love marriage or arranged marriage

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