the auspicious dates to move house


Dear Sir,
My daughter (a rabbit) and her spouse(a rabbit) and a son (a pig) want to move in to their new house next year (2020). Please find auspicious dates for them. Thank you for your help.

From lucy

3 Answer(s)

Hi lucy teh,

Here are auspicious moving dates in 2020. They can choose the dates that don't clash with their signs.
Dear Mary,
tq for ur reply. I have surfed the web ur gave but no auspicious time given. Need ur advice again-for February n March.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

From lucy
Hi lucy teh,

Following are auspicous date for them to move in February and March 2020:

Feb.06 Thursday
Feb.09 Sunday
Feb.14 Friday
Feb.22 Saturday
Mar.01 Sunday
Mar.05 Thursday
Mar.06 Friday
Mar.09 Monday
Mar.11 Wednesday
Mar.17 Tuesday
Mar.23 Monday

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