saw shit in dreams


What I saw in my dreams is a bit disgusting. I met with one of my old friend (whom I have not met since last three years and he is not a good friend of mine). He told me that he had an accident some time back and then he showed me a flush with yellow colured poop(fecal or shit). I watched it properly and then moved away from there without reacting.
I am 22 year male and my friend is also a male.

3 Answer(s)

Hi Raja,

Although it's a bit disgusting to have this kind of dream, it's very auspicious. Poop is the symbol of wealth in dream. If you see that it indicates you will get unexpected wealth that are not gained with your hard work. Also, it means you career, business or investment will have a good turn.
It also means that your life will be full of shit..people talking shit to you, telling you bullshit etc

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