Regarding Bathroom directions?


Hi greetings!

I have a bed room on the south direction & an attached bathroom door facing east. The sink is toward the south & facing north while sitting on it. I guess south is not a good direction for toilet sink instead north west is best but i cannot change. Could you please advise on this. I searched the internet & found south is fire element. To exhaust it i learn that i should place earth element, may be pebbles or crystals. Please advice.

2 Answer(s)

In Feng Shui, the direction of the toilet should not be the same as the main door's and bathroom door's direction of the house. If your main door face north, it's not good for you to have a toilet facing north.

South belong to the fire element and toilet sink belongs to the water element, water and fire are not comaptible, so, you'd better have more earth element to consume fire element. You can have it in the yellow or brown color.

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