Prediction for 2015 of rooster


I want to know my future since it's a bad year for roosters

6 Answer(s)

Hi, IcyCream,

The fortune for the Rooster people in 2015 is average. 2016 will be a very good year for the Rooster. Why do you feel it's bad to you?
Hi! I am a lady Rooster born on 24 Fabruary 1981 (Gregorian or January - on Chinese calendar). Your prediction for the year was very much correct! 2015 year is really hard. I broke up with a person I loved and now can not find anyone to be a good couple, I had a very exhaustive job in the beginning of the year, changed it to more calm and highly-paid work but it suddenly and dramatically was broken down in July-August. And at this time it is hard to get good job as well as difficult with finances. Will the end of the year be the same difficult especially in job seeking and finances while waiting for the 2016 :-)? Thank you!
i too am a rooster-1981. had a perfectly good job with good supervisor and got backstabbed by a lowly position receptionist who worked there more than 30-years. jobless now. husband-less also. not even a bf. and the guy i wan is ignoring my text msgs. hate 2014, 2015
Yes born January under rooster had a hard time in career area. Difficult crazy boss. Laid off the very end of 2014 not many good job prospects. Financially tough and draining Looking forward to 2016.:)
Could basically write this year off.
I am a rooster born in Nov/1980. Very good at the beginning of the year up to June when things go down. The worst month is October. 2015 is also a very stressful year. Hoppefully, 2016 is better.
Don't give up guys! It seems that all the situations described here are very similare (to mine - surely). I agree saying that 2014 and 2015 both are more than just avarage - they are very close to "bad" years. Maybe this is just a personal attitude or the frame of reference but they are in line with the most difficut years in my life so far (another one is 2008 I can remember now). We are very different but experiencing very much the same. And I beleive it may be a small but still real consolation. So let's keep the head under the water! Hope and do the best to make 2016 exciting and positive year :-)

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