
Your chart shows the following which makes me wonder what else is incorrect
Metal Monkey (1920 1980)
Wood Monkey (1944 2004)
Water Monkey (1932 1992)
Fire Monkey (1956 2016)
Earth Monkey (1908 1968)

Metal Rooster (1921 1981)
Wood Rooster (1944 2004)
Water Rooster (1933 1993)
Fire Rooster (1957 2017)
Earth Rooster (1909 1969)

Metal Rooster (1922 1982)
Wood Rooster (1934 1994)
Water Rooster (1933 1993)
Fire Rooster (1910 1970)
Earth Rooster (1958 2018)

1 Answer(s)

Thank you for pointing our mistakes. We've correct them. We would do better and try to avoid mistakes.

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