My mother is a tiger and I am a snake


I am very young, therefore I still live with my parents. My dad is a snake like me so being with him is relaxing and enjoyable, but my mother is a tiger and hanging out with her can be fun but over all it's extremely overwhelming and frusturating. I feel like she's addicted to drama and it's affecting me in negative ways. I need advice on how a snake and a tiger can make a relationship less frusturing and stressful because lately I've been becoming more temperamental and I feel bad about that, I don't want my words to hurt my mother and I don't mean them to at all, but we constantly butt heads, she's so wrapped up in the drama in life and and it's getting continuously hard for me to put up with the crazy energy and drama and impulsiveness. Help is appreciated.

Note: she is Gemini and I am Capricorn if that helps any

1 Answer(s)


In Chinese astrology, the Snake person is not compatible with the Tiger. They are worst matches. While, all things can be changed.

The main problem I think is you two are unwilling to open your hearts to each other. You should tell your thoughts to her carefully and also let your father know your thought. If you don't try to open up, it's hard to make things better. Also, you should discover each other's positive sides, or it will be hard for you to go further.

By the way, how about the relationship between your father and mother?

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