What does it mean Clash?
Asked by m***i |
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Me and my fiancee are gonna get married on Oct 29, 2016, and I'm wondering what does it mean by Clash Tiger? Is that mean all the Tiger Zodiac can't come in my Wedding including my Parents(Mom and Father is Tiger)? I'm a snake and she is a snake also.
Me and my fiancee are gonna get married on Oct 29, 2016, and I'm wondering what does it mean by Clash Tiger? Is that mean all the Tiger Zodiac can't come in my Wedding including my Parents(Mom and Father is Tiger)? I'm a snake and she is a snake also.
Clash some kind of zodiac means the event is not good for that zodiac people. If the wedding date you choose clashes with your sign, you'd better avoid the date if you believe the custom. It doesn't matter if your Mom and Father is Tiger. As long as you two is not under the Tiger sign, that's ok.