

my D.O B : 28/08/1993 at 10:AM P.O.B : algeria,algiers
if you could help me i want know when i will meet my destined spouse and married?
thank you

4 Answer(s)

Hi samar,

You will be blessed by Hong Luan (红鸾) in the Horse years and Tian Xi (天喜) in the Rat years, during which you could have extremely good luck with the opposite sex, thus meet your destined spouse or get married.

Also, in the year of Ox, Snake or Dragon which are compatible years with your zodiac sign, you may meet your future partner or get married.

So, your favorable year for love and marriage are 2020, 2021, 2024, 2025 and 2026.
Thank you for the reply :)
i born on 1974/09/21 what about my marrage life
Hi farvin,

In 2017, you married Tigers will have a stable luck in love relationship, so you may enjoy the time of getting along with your lover. But you should avoid having disputes with your partner on children's issues and communicate peacefully with him/her.

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