Love marriage or not!


Hi, I love a guy n he loves me too n we really wanna get married! So can U tell me is it possible ... Name: Iqra Abbas DOB: 2.May.1998 n Place of birth: Gujarat, pakistan

7 Answer(s)

Hi Iqra abbas,

Please let me know your birth time as well.
Its round about 5 pm
I am not sure but its around 5
Hi Iqra abbas,

You could have love marriage finally but before the marriage there will be some disputes with your family.
One more thing... are my parents gnna agree in the end? N what kind of disputes gnna be? N in which year?
N one more thing will I be able to finish by studies which I am doing?
Your parents may not agree you to get married with him before marriage. But they will agree in the end.

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