Love & Admire


Dear Sir/ Madam,
Im 43 years old this year, happily married with children but this year im in love again and attracted to a very young girl at about 20++, pretty and really drives me crazy i cant believe this is happening, is it the part of RAT year?

How can i upgrade to very admire/like guy..,

May You Interest

4 Answer(s)

Hi Ivan,

Yes, it's a part of the Rat people born in 1972.

According to Chinese astrology, your love life will be very colorful. You are easy to attracted by the opposite sex in 2015. You should decide who to give up and who to stay with. If you couldn't make a good derision, that will affect your work greatly.

If you don't have problem with your wife and have a happy family, I suggest you leave the girl away immediately.

Dear Rose,

Really appreciate by your fast response, thanks for your advise.

How can i upgrade myself to be more famous or noticeable person ?,
Hi Ivan,

My pleasure.

What kind of work do you engage in? You want to become a public figure?
Dear Rose,

Im in a sales line, electrical sales to be precise to most of oil and gas platform and contractors. I need to be noticeable, famous and as you said public figure, that right,..any thing that you can help me out?

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