Is 7/23/2016 a good day for church & wedding? ?


I was born in 1980, planning to get marry in 2016, Is 7/23/2016 a good day for church & wedding banquet?

3 Answer(s)

Sorry, 7/23/2016 is not an auspicious day for wedding.

7/21/2016 and 7/22/2016 are both good days. If you believe the custom, you'd better change a good day.
is 8/20/16 a good day for church & wedding.

I was born in 1980, planning to get marry in 2016, are the following dates 5/14/16, 8/20/16 or 8/27/16 good for wedding? Thx.
Hi Eva,

The three dates you mentioned are all auspicious dates for wedding to you.

I'm not sure what's the zodiac sign for your fiance. You can choose one of the following dates that is not clash to him.

5/14/16 clash Tiger
8/20/16 clash Dragon
8/27/16 clash Pig

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