Is 3/13/2016 a good day for church & wedding? ?
Asked by H***d |
Planning to get married on 3/13/2016 3:30 pm, me and my fiancé are both Ox. is it a good date and time to get married? Does the conflict Rat apply to the parents who are attending the wedding? My mom is a Rat and 3/13/2016 is shows a conflict with Rat.
3/13/2016 is a good day to get married. From 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm is auspicious and 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm is inauspicious. If you believe the custom, you'd better advance the time by half an hour.
Don't worry, there is no problem for your parents to attend your wedding. As long as the day is auspicious for you and your fiancé, that's good.