Hi! Kua from all my families are 6 and we have or home facing East 90.


My house is facing East 90 and all my family are Kua 6.
Wife, Son and Daughter and me.
What should be the cure for wrong directions? Lions Dogs? Bagua or 5 coins?

Also for directions for Kua male 6 and Kua male 1 what will be the best directions for a store?

2 Answer(s)

Following are somg cures for bad directions for house:

You can place Five-emperor coin under the ground mat as a cure.

Plants have the function of bringing good luck, so you can put a pot of vigorous plants in front of the main gate as a cure.

Water has the function of prospering and accelerating wealth. You can place a fish tank in the house with six goldfish in it as a cure as well.

If the store is mainly owned by the person whose Kua number is 6, the best direction is West. If by the person whose Kua number is 1, the best direction is Southeast.
Thanks for your answer.
In the case for the store the best direction i can not change the entrance what should i use to avoid the bad spirit and luck?

Also, My room bed direction can not be placed on the right direction cause we have the bathroom behind the bedhead, in this case what the best solutions? for my daughter the situation almost the same but for her the headbed in under the windows. Thanks

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