Need Clarification


Dear Master 
Happy NEW YEAR 2021 !!!
I would very appreciate if you could clarify which concept we should use for selecting the house facing direction? because some Feng Shui Masters recommend to select home direction based on Bazi/Macro ApplicationAnd for sleeping, working , study direction. they recommended the Eight House /micro Application.
Example:For Mr A , He recommended that your HOME (Bazi/Macro Application)ie. a suitable house element. House element is determinedby the facing of the house: 
Favourable : North-West/West ; East; South-East ;  North.
Unfavourable: South; North-East; South-West

Your Suitable Direction/Sectors ( Eight House/ micro Application) : ie. which sector is good for you to study/work/sleep: 
Favourable   :  North-West; North-East; West; South-West
UnFavourable   :  North; East; South; South-East
And NW; NE; W; SW are Mr A, Kua Number Good Directions and N; E; S ; SE are Mr A, Kua Number Bad Directions
I just want to know  which concept we should use for selecting house facing direction, Bazi or Eight House ?
Thank you for your clarification
Sincerely yours

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