Dream meaning


In my dream.. I saw one bird flies around and then landing on my hand..it's yellow parrot bird.. The bird flies and land on my hand twice

1 Answer(s)

Hi Melissa Isa,

Birds are a sign of happiness and a bird landing on you is a sign of good luck.Birds are considered God’s messengers or signs of angels’ presence in our life, and that is why dreams of birds landing on you could have a very big significance because they are often related to your emotions.In some cases, these dreams could be a true message from our guardian angels giving us an encouragement that all will be well in our lives.
Your dream should be considered as an encouragement to take some action and begin pursuing your goals and dreams.
In some cases, this dream indicates the need to begin dealing with some issues and problems you are currently facing, instead of avoiding that.
If you need help or advice how to do that, you should consult with someone close to you.

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