Auspicious date to start new job


I need your help to find an auspicious date to start a new job (working in new company) in between 12 Aug 2016 to 1 Sep 2016.

My date of birth is 18 Nov 1981.

9 Answer(s)

Hi badtzcroc,

In Chinese calendar, it shows the auspicious dates for you to start a new job include August 14th (Clash Dog), 26th (Clash Dog), 27th (Clash Pig) and 28th (Clash Rat).
15 Aug 2016 or 1 Sep 2016, which one is a better date for start a new job?
The two days are both ok for you. They both don't clash with your sign.
Thank you very much!!
Please suggest an auspicious date to start a new job (working in new company) between 1st Aug 2016 to 20th Aug 2016.

My date of birth is 19 Sep 1982.
Please suggest an auspicious date to for me to start a new job (working in a new company) between 15 Sep to 1 Oct 2016. My birthday is on 11 May 1976. Thank you so much.
Hi araceli knaik,

The 20th, 26th and 28th day of September are auspicious dates for you to start a new job. Good Luck!
Hi! Can you please suggest an auspicious date & time to submit resume for a job this October onwards? My birthday is on March 01, 1970. Thank you so muchin advance.
Hi Elma Oribello,

You can choose one of the fllowing auspicious dates to submit resume for a job:
Oct. 24, Oct. 29 and Oct. 31

Auspicious time on Oct. 24:

Auspicious time on Oct. 29:

Auspicious time on Oct. 31:

Good Luck to you!

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