auspicious date


When is the auspicious date for surgery if I’m going to have surgery on January or February 2019? I was born March 16,1978. Thank you.

3 Answer(s)

Hi Asmia Monib,

January 4, January 17, February 16 are auspicious dates for surgery to you.
Auspicious or full moon?

They said having a surgery 4 days prior or 3 days after full moon is not a good date for surgery. But my auspicious date for surgery that I choose and only available schedule is January 17, which is 4 days prior the date. Should I choose another date? Or just go for it? Thanks.
It's okay to choose January 17. It's an auspicious date. If you mind it's 4 days prior full moo, you can choose January 4.

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