2 stars on mount of jupiter and one star on or close to sun/apollo line


If sun line has a crossing downward line but has a star on the other side
if there is a line arising from inbetween first and second finger and goes across the palm
horizontally almost parallel to heart line what does it mean. What is this line calls and if it is only in your right hand and absent from your right hand .Please explain.
Can the determination worship and good deeds can change lines ? Because some of these lines are only in right hand.

1 Answer(s)

I think the line you mentioned is the Girdle Of Venus. People with the Ring of Venus feature strong sense of beauty and talent in art and creation. They are very precocious and tend to have puppy love; they care about the opposite sex very much, express their love meticulously, get hurt easily and react violently to love.

Yes, the determination worship and good deeds can change lines.

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