will i marry at family or outside.
Asked by j***n |
how can i know from my palmistry line that i will marry in my family or out of family. i dont have a marriage line at all on my hand.
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2 Answer(s)
Thank you sally... i want to marry at the end it is to be done. but my question remain there how would i know where will i get married. Inside family or outside. cause in our culture its is allowed to marry in our own family like cousins contrary to Christians.
It couldn't known from palmistry. If you don't have marriage line it shows you have no desire to love. You are not interested in or couldn’t be attracted by the opposite sex. You usually don't pay much attention on marriage and may be sexless. Instead, you like to focus more on your hobbies or career. If you are younger than 20, you may don’t have a marriage line. As you grow older and contact more with opposite sex, the marriage line may appear.