what do i do to make lunula reappear on my fingers?


i have lunula just on my thumbs and they got different size

1 Answer(s)

Hi Abel moya,

The development of the lunula is affected by nutrition, environment, and physical quality. When the digestion and absorption function is poor, the lunula dims, reduces, even disappears.

You only have lunula on your thumbs may be caused by your natural constitution. If you don't feel uncomfortable, there is no need for you to worry about the lunula. Some of the persons do not have lunula from birth.

If you have a poor blood circulation or suffer from a severe anemia, you need to ask the doctor to prescribe something to strengthen your blood. This may also the reason causing the disappearance of the lunula.

Also, do more exercises will help you to make lunula reappear on your fingers.

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