Regarding my Index Finger


Hi Sir,

My Index fingers are not straight(Both fingers got crossed towards to Baby finger) in my both hands. Do I worry about this? Is there anything information(good or bad) as per the PALM READING??

Name: Jeevan
DOB : 4th June, 1988
POB : Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh (State), India (Country)
TOB : 11:30 AM

Thanks & Regards,
Geevan Kumar G S

2 Answer(s)

Hi GeevanKumar,

I think you may think too much about your finger. If you think it more, you may have too much pressure even feel self-abased. It may be present by heredity or a king of disease. If you find it had affected your common life and you have problems to use your hand, better go to the doctor to check it. If not, don't worry about it any more.

In palmistry,it just shows you are not too confidence in daily life.
Hi Sir,

Thank you for your reply.

Thanks & Regards,
Geevan Kumar G S

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